Monday, January 23, 2006

RE: WHY . . . ?

It blows my mind as well, like a Tomahawk landing in the Afghan desert. The other side has lost all sense of perspective - they're cracking up because they no longer have control and it's amazing. They almost don't know what to do with themselves.

I truly believe that many liberals want us to suffer huge casualties in Iraq and the GWOT. I think they have a sense of glee every time we suffer a defeat. I admit I was bitter about Kosovo because I didn't think we belonged there, and my isolationist tendencies kicked in during Iraq I in 1990. But I could never imagine myself rooting for the U.S. to lose. These people on the other side are keeping tallies on their basement walls of the mounting deaths, and practically dancing every time a Blackhawk goes down so they can feel smugly satisfied that they are on the "right side of history."

Well, screw that. Let the crack up continue, and let the glorious internet expose these unpatriotic frauds for what they really are.


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