Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Well, Dave, my day has gotten that much fractionally worse. My lunchtime Starbucks will be that much more bitter. Better ask for the extra splenda - still trying to work off a massive holiday weight gain which has me looking like a "before" photo.

In all seriousness, the Iranian situtation is extremely disturbing. (FYI, Jack Straw: great name). It seems as if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has figured out what AQ already knows: the West is weakened due to anti-war and especially anti-Bush sentiment to which those in the West with resolve give wayyyyyyyy too much regard. For that matter, the Iranians are going to exploit the rift in the west until Bush and those willing to do something about Iran really stand up to the regime - and you know what that's going to look like.

And can anyone blame the Iranians? I mean, of course, in the sense that if you are a bad guy, and the only good guy who can stop you is fighting with himself about whether he was too bad in his efforts to do good? The insanity of Ahmadinejad aside, as Iran sees it, the nation has a chance to become the capital of Islam and a legitimate world threat. All it needs is perhaps a few more years or less before it walks through that door to the might of nuclear capability.

Kurtz' s great blog at NRO last week pointed out that it's up to the Democrats - probably guys like Biden, Clinton and Leahy - to start talking like we are going to do something (and by that I don't mean give the Heisman to any Iranian oil tankers that show up at the Port of Houston) in order to get Tehran to even so much as think twice. Since that's unlikely given that, as we've seen with Hillary, even the most beloved leaders on the Left are beholden to the Move On Money-go-round, nothing short of war seems likely to end this scenario.

Most Democrats would rather Iran get the bomb and have us enter a detente than stomach a preemptive offensive. But, as you pointed out, Dave, war is the answer if the question involves living comfortably with this:

Since coming to power, Mr. Ahmadinejad has organised an international
conference designed to prove that the Holocaust never happened and has declared
it the aim of Iranian policy to "wipe Israel off the map". Now he is fulfilling
his country's long-planned strategy of making the means to do just that: he has
broken the seals. Iran can have its own Bomb in four years or so.

No amount of sugar, fake or otherwise, would sweeten that scenario.

I'd be giving up coffee.


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