Wednesday, November 09, 2005


It disturbs me to the point of distraction whenever I come across it.

This is a man who relished personal executions, instituted the Cuban system of forced labor/political prison camps, rounded up homosexuals and blacks, and stomped out of Moscow because the Soviets weren't militant enough. He died an entirely justified death and his visage should be as reviled as Stalin's or Hitler's. He was Castro's Reinhard Heydrich (for you Lefties who know nothing about history, Heydrich was the most evil force in Nazi Germany and personally devised and ran the death camps).

Some say that we should take some satisfaction that his image is being used to make a profit, in the face (no pun intended) of his ultra-Marxist views. I say that's unadulterated BS.

That said, I may buy one of the doormats.


Blogger GearDaddy said...

Urinal screens would be even more appropriate.

November 09, 2005 11:51 AM  
Blogger GumSlinger said...

Oh, that can be done.

November 09, 2005 4:02 PM  

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