Thursday, November 10, 2005


It's a sore spot with me, having been the victim of -- and further witness to -- viewpoint-based discrimination at my own law school. Lefty friends tend to dismiss my complaints as paranoia, but as much as they point out that I can't know what what it's like to live in the world of (insert real or imagined oppressed minority here), and hence, I should hold my opinions on other matters, they don't know what it's like to be right-of-center on a college campus.

So I'm glad NRO is running a piece addressing the matter head-on, as they have in the past.

I just wish it were written at something a but further up the chain than a college freshman level.

And, as much as I admire those guys, more and more of their regular pieces are written this way, even by seasoned professionals (I'm looking at you, Jim Geraghty).


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